
Research for quality of life

In the mid-twentieth century, great efforts were being made in the USA to develop effective chemotherapies for the treatment of specific types of cancer.

In Switzerland, the Swiss National Science Foundation paved the way for the founding of a central office for clinical-experimental tumour research in Bern back in 1962, with the primary goal of making a breakthrough with the development of new forms of therapy. To support these efforts, the Foundation for Clinical-Experimental Cancer Research was established in 1972.

Twenty years later, the clinical-experimental research institute was integrated into the newly founded Department of Clinical Research of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bern, so as to ensure that it had the necessary resources and staff at its disposal. Since then, the Foundation for Clinical-Experimental Cancer Research has also been independently involved in supporting relevant research projects with private funds.



The purpose of the foundation is to promote clinical-experimental research into cancerous diseases and congenital and acquired immune disorders, primarily AIDS.

By ensuring scientific excellence and demonstrating its commitment to ethical practices, the foundation hopes that its work will make a sustainable contribution to improving the quality of life of those affected by such diseases in the future.

The long-lived turtle symbolises the values to which the foundation is committed.


The Foundation Board

The Foundation Board is the highest governing body of the foundation. It determines the foundation’s strategic objectives, represents it vis-à-vis external parties and makes decisions on the applications it receives.

PD Dr. med. et. phil. nat. Yara Banz

Prof. Dr. med. Urban Novak

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Bacher
Ursina Barandun
lic. rer. pol. Stefan Janz
Prof. Dr. med. et. Dr. phil. nat. Christoph Schlapbach
PD Dr. phil. nat. Thomas Marti
Prof. Dr. med. Sara Meyer
Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Mirjam Schenk


The Stuber-Jordi Notary’s Office is responsible for the management of the foundation.


The foundation’s assets

The foundation’s assets are largely attributed to a donation made by Susanne Braley (1970). The remaining funds were generated through active fundraising such as the “Art for Research” campaign.

The foundation can only meet growing demands if it is supported by benefactors. It undertakes to ensure that funds are used strictly in accordance with the foundation’s purpose.

Areas supported

Projects from the following areas are supported:

clinical-experimental cancer research
clinical-experimental research into congenital and acquired immune disorders

Preference is given to projects

conducted by researchers based in Bern
conducted by young researchers
which relate to sustainable, longer-term research projects

Supported projects

  • Esposito Roberta, Dr.
    CRISPR screen in patient-derived organoids for effective RNA-based therapies against colorectal cancer

    Skabytska Yuliya, PhD
    IL-9R in CTCL

    Rodriguez Antonio , Dr. med.
    Defining Tumor Microenvironment in Homologous Recombination Repair-altered Prostate Cancer Brain Metastases

    Kashani Elham, PhD
    Temozolomide resistance mechanisms in recurrent glioblastomas: Identification of synergistically acting miRNA-regulated networks for modulating therapy response

  • Bertholet Jenny, Dr.
    Treating breast cancer with arc-MBRT: robust treatment optimization and radiation dose delivery verification in the real-world

    Solass Wiebke, Dr. med.
    Chemoresistance in malignant peritoneal mesoihelioma

    Andina Nicola, Dr. phil. nat.
    Allam Ramanjaneyulu, Prof. Dr. phil. nat.
    Targeting dysregulated inflammasome activation in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia

    Wehrli Marc, MD PhD
    CAR T cells secreting bispecific DARPins allowing the treatment of solid tumors

    Akhoundova Sanoyan Dilara, Dr. med.
    Deciphering novel treatment strategies for DNA repair deficient prostate cancer

  • 30.06.2021
    Saner Flurina, Dr. med.
    Long-term survival of patients with ovarian cancer

    Porret Naomi, Dr. sc. nat.
    Pabst Thomas, Prof. Dr. med.
    Wiedemann Gertrud, Dr. rer. nat.
    Circulating lymphoma DNA as sensitive follow-up marker in DLBCL patients after CAR-T treatment

    Maragkou Theoni, Dr.
    Clinical, pathological and molecular characterization of adult medulloblastomas for targeted therapy: a multicenter cohort study inlucing primary and relapse cases

  • 15.12.2020
    Shi Kuangyu, Prof. Dr.
    Optimize the Combination of PSMA-directed Radioligand Therapy and Androgen-Deprivation Therapy for Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer based on Cellular Microfluidic Radioassay

    Bernasconi Michele, PD Dr.
    Developing CAR-T cell therapies for pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma

    Siegenthaler Franziska, Dr. med.
    Circulating tumor DNA in endometrial cancer

    Kiss Bernhard, Dr. med.
    Combining magrolimab (anti-CD47) with conventional chemotherapy in patients with advanced bladder cancer: Translational studies" (tentative title given by SKET)

    Francica Paola, Dr.
    Investigating the loss of TAOK1 as mechanism of PARPi resistance in homologous recombination-deficient cancers

  • 14.12.2019
    Imboden Sara, PD Dr. med.
    Siegenthaler Franziska, Dr. med.
    Understanding the metabolomic profile of molecular and clinical subgroups in endometrial cancer

    Wartenberg Martin, Dr.
    Examining the impact of microRNA-29-family members on tumor budding, immunosuppression and desmoplastic stroma in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

    Radpour Ramin, Dr., PhD
    Molecular profiling of immune signature in human leukemia stem cells and paired CD4+ T cells

    Arambasic Miroslav, Dr.
    Whole-exome sequencing analysis of familial lymphoma cases in Switzerland

  • 10.12.2018
    Dislich Bastian, Dr. med., PhD
    Influence of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the immunogenicity of esophageal adenocarcinomas

    Imboden Sara, Dr.
    Moving towards a deeper understanding of POLE-mutated endometrial cancer

    Humbert Magali, PhD
    Chaperone mediated autophagy contributes to micro­environ­ment-mediated therapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia

    Müller Simon, Dr.
    Elicin Olgun, Dr.
    Metformin in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Window of Opportunity Study to Assess the Effect on Tissue Oxygenation

  • 15.12.2017
    Knabben Laura, Dr.
    BRCAness in uterine serous carcinoma

    Plattet Philippe, PD Dr.
    Canine Brain Cancer Oncolytic Immunotherapy

  • 22.06.2016
    Riether Carsten, PhD PD
    Employing Immune Cells in the Bone Marrow to Eliminate Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells

    Medova Michaela, PhD
    Panomic-based characterization of the role of Ser1016 phosphorylation, a newly identified site on the MET receptor tyrosine kinase, in MET-mediated oncogenic signaling

    Schenk Mirjam, Dr. Ph.D.
    Reprogramming tumor infiltrating dendritic cells to manipulate their costimulatory properties for cytotoxic T cells in melanoma

  • 24.12.2015
    Lyck Ruth, PD Dr. phil. nat.
    Stein Jens V., Prof.
    Intravasation, migration and extravasation – Investigations on the roles of VLA-4 and aV integrin in the formation of melanoma metastasis

    Diamantis-Karamitopoulou Eva, PhD Dr.
    Targeting microRNAs in the tumor-microenvironment to overcome immune escape in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)

  • 12.12.2014
    Marinoni Ilaria, PhD
    Epigenetic changes as main driver of pancreatic neuro-endocrine tumors (pNETs) development

    Stroka Deborah, PhD Dr.
    IL-33 signaling in hepatocarcinogenesis

    Tschan Mario P., PhD Dr.
    Implications of autophagy in resistance mechanisms that occur during targeted therapies in breast cancer

  • 15.12.2013
    Novak Urban, Dr. med.
    Dissecting the role of autophagy in normal and malignant B cells towards a rational, novel therapeutic target in malignant B cell lymphomas

    Banz Yara, PhD
    Krebs Philippe, PhD
    Role of IL-33/ST2 signaling in myeloproliferative neoplasms

    Radpour Ramin, Dr.
    Molecular profiling of immune signature in AML blasts and paired immune niche

    Lyck Ruth, PD Dr. phil. nat.
    Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cancer cell extravasation across the blood brain barrier

    Ochsenbein Adrian, Prof. Dr. med.
    Riether Carsten, Dr. med.
    Schürch Christian, Dr. phil.
    TRAF-binding TNF receptor signaling in leukemia stem cells

    Zlobec Inti, PhD
    Vassella Erik, PhD
    A Pilot study on clonal evolution in colorectal cancer

  • 26.01.2012
    Zimmer Yitzhak, Dr.
    MET signaling under hypoxic conditions: emphasis on tumor radioresistance

  • 14.12.2011
    Tschan Mario P., PD Dr. phil. nat.
    Functional analysis of the microRNA pathway in myeloid differentiation of acute myeloid leukemias

    Müller Michael, Prof.
    Investigation of the mTOR pathway in ovarian cancer tumor samples and inflammation induced VEGF expression via non-NFkb pathways in-vitro

    Patsenker Eleonora, PhD
    Role of integrin avb6 as a therapeutic target and host genetic risk factor in cholangiocarcinoma

    Arcaro Alexandre, PD Dr.
    Identification and characterization of leukemia stem cells in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia using an in vivo model

  • 16.12.2010
    Frese Steffen, PD Dr. med.
    Zelluläre Mechanismen der Sensitivierung von Lungenkrebszellen für Rezeptor (TRAIL) vermittelten programmierten Zelltod

    Lack Peter, lic. theol. Women and AIDS


Process for submitting an application

In order for an application to be considered by the Foundation Board, the application form must be completed in full and the checklist must be completed correctly.
The deadlines for submitting the required documentation are 30 June and 15 December of each year.



Research is vital, yet costly. That is why we rely on financial support from third parties and are truly grateful for each and every donation we receive.

We would like to get to know you personally and provide you with detailed information about what we do. Our office will provide you with the relevant contacts.

The donation account of the Foundation for Clinical-Experimental Cancer Research is:

Account number:
CH12 0839 4001 4024 5312 6
S.W.I.F.T. / BIC:
Clearing number:
Account holder:
Stiftung für
3074 Muri bei Bern
Amthausgasse 14 / Marktgasse 19
3011 Bern


Notariat Stuber-Jordi
Thunstrasse 72
3074 Muri bei Bern

Tel.: +41 (0)31 950 21 21
Fax: +41 (0)31 950 21 22

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